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- 1) кір. канчаццакончаться2) см. <
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Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
conchate — ˈkäŋˌkāt also ˈkôŋ adjective Etymology: conch + ate 1. : conched 2. : conchiform * * * conchˈate or conchˈiform adjective Shaped like a shell, esp one valve of a bivalve shell … Useful english dictionary
conchate — adj. [L. concha, shell; atus, provided with] 1. Conchiform. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Orthoptera, having a shell like inflation of the auricle in the tibia … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
conchate — con·chate … English syllables
conch — conchate /kong kayt, kon chayt/, conched, adj. /kongk, konch/, n., pl. conchs /kongks/, conches /kon chiz/. 1. the spiral shell of a gastropod, often used as a horn. 2. any of various marine gastropods. 3. the fabled shell trumpet of the Tritons … Universalium
Hysteriaceae — (also known as Dothideomycetes, Ascomycotina, Eumycota) are a class of fungi defined by a specialized ascoma termed the hysterothecium. Hysterothecia are dense, persistent carbonaceous structures, distinctly navicular in outline, and bearing a… … Wikipedia
conch — n. (pl. s, es) spiral shell. ♦ conchate, ♦ conchic, a. having a conch. ♦ conchiferous, a. bearing a conch. ♦ conchiform, a. shell shaped. ♦ conchitic a. containing shells. ♦ conchitis, n. inflammation of external ear. ♦… … Dictionary of difficult words